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Protein formula brand responds to misleading nutrition content allegation filed by former boxing athlete

Former boxing athlete Adrianus Agal on 2 November filed a police report for alleged misleading nutrition content in protein formula he purchased. As reported by multiple news outlets, the athlete decided to purchase the product after seeing a celebrity endorsement on social media.

Cited from Liputan6, the athlete claimed he wasn’t feeling well after consuming the product. A week later, he said he had abdominal pain from the milk. He then brought samples of Pro Whey 100 to a nutrition lab in Bogor.

According to Adrianus, the nutrition composition from the lab test is different from the ones stated on the packaging. "Turns out, after being tested, there are differences between nutrition value on the packaging and lab test," the athlete said as quoted from Tribun.

Based on the lab test, he was advised to file a police report under the Consumer Protection Law. He reported the manufacturers, Indo Green Life Harvest and Cemerlang Sukses Energi, as well as the celebrity who promoted the product.

“The plaintiff (Adrianus) misunderstood about weight gain and abdominal pain he experienced because of Pro Whey product consumption, then [he] assumed [it was due to] unfit [nutrition] content,” said Sally Varsly, co-founder of Muscle First, brand parent of Pro Whey 100.

“However, we have explained in detail [that] weight gain is not because of consuming a certain product, but because of the daily calories that go into his body. On top of that, we added that if there is lactose intolerance, it is normal for abdominal pain to occur,” she added.

According to Sally, both parties have decided to settle the case. “What [we] meant by settlement is both parties agree to drop the case as we have given detailed information and evidence regarding the Muscle First Pro Whey product and the plaintiff supposedly has understood clearly.”