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Police stop investigation into eHAC data leak

The National Police yesterday (7 September) announced their decision to stop investigation into the eHAC data leak. National Police Head of the Public Relations Division Insp. Gen. Argo Yuwono said that the police have stopped the investigation since 6 September. 

The police found that according to an investigation led by the National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN), there were no attempts to retrieve user data on the application server. Moreover, BSSN spokesperson Anton Setiyawan said that the incident was not a data breach.

"User data in eHAC did not flow to partner platforms. Meanwhile, data on partner platforms are the responsibility of the electronic system operator, in accordance with Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning electronic information or the ITE Law," said Head of the Health Ministry's Data and Information Center Anas Ma'ruf at an online press conference on 1 September.

The Health Ministry calmed down the public, saying that they don't have to worry because all data in eHAC was not leaked and everything is protected. “Data of the general public in eHAC were not exchanged to partner platforms,” Ma’ruf added.