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Govt prepares Rp1.2 trillion for TMII renovation

The government has prepared a budget of Rp1.2 trillion to renovate Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). The funds will be taken from the 2022 budget ceiling of the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry.

"For Taman Mini, the budget is Rp1.2 trillion. It is indeed a massive scale (of renovation)," said Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono at the House of Representatives Commission V working meeting on Thursday (9 June).

Basuki said that the ministry is tasked with preparing the infrastructure for the G20 meeting at TMII.

"At TMII we are doing massive rehabilitation, just like that of GBK. We are repairing the lakes, the roads, the buildings, the parking lots. Hopefully they will be better, because we haven't touched them for a long time," he said.

The renovation process is expected to complete this month or July 2022 at the latest because the G20 summit at TMII will take place at the end of this year.

The ministry is also tasked to revitalise the VIP room at Ngurah Rai airport, Denpasar, Bali. 

"The renovation of Ngurah Rai airport VIP room is assigned to the PUPR Ministry, the budget is set at Rp50 billion. We hope that all works will complete in June or July 2022, including the toll roads at the airport," said Basuki.