It is about wearing sports performance clothing and footwear with flair or fashion design influence mixed with sportswear features. The casual aspect of activewear is what differentiates athleisure from sportswear; athleisure is designed to transition from gym wear to daily wear.
Read MoreStickers are just for children to play with? Or merely meaningless decorative ornaments that we find in our surroundings, such as laptops and tumblers? For a collective called Grafis Nusantara, vintage stickers and labels work as a time machine to explore Indonesia’s visual culture.
Read MoreIn recent years, these concerns have slowly been addressed by the global fashion industry as it embraces the emergence of adaptive fashion. It is an idea that refers to the modification of an existing clothing design to make dressing more comfortable for people with disabilities.
Read MoreIf you have noticed more and more people selling and flaunting their second-hand luxury finds on social media, it is not just the algorithm tricking you. Indeed, the market for second-hand luxury goods is booming.
Read MoreConsumers are getting more concerned about sustainability, especially after COVID-19. The reason was that the pandemic made respondents more aware that human activities could cause climate change and environmental degradation and, in turn, threaten humans. In addition to the materials, fashion sustainability can also be pursued through more environmentally friendly processes.
Nipplets is a lingerie brand that has been around since 2016, founded by Ida Swasti. Through Nipplets, Ida offers a variety of lingerie which are often launched simultaneously with various empowering campaigns for women who are her target consumers.
Read MoreJakarta Fashion Week (JFW) returned offline after two years of being held online. This year, JFW put their focus on celebrating the diversity of Indonesian talents by providing the stage not only to heavy-hitters, but also newcomers such as Tanah Lesae.
Read MoreThere is no other colour in the colour wheel that carries a meaning and connotation that is more nuanced than pink. “Pink is used most often to represent femininity but at the same time, pink is associated with romance, passion, or joy and it could even be seen as childish,” Adlien Fadlia, a fashion design lecturer at Institut Kesenian Jakarta, told TFR.
Read More“Kalau buat Moral, akan selalu ada setiap cerita di baliknya” adalah sentimen yang terus-menerus didengungkan oleh direktur kreatif Moral, Andandika Surasetja, dalam wawancara dengan TFR
Read More“There is always a story behind Moral” is a sentiment that was constantly echoed by Moral’s creative director, Andandika Surasetja. Storytelling is at the heart of Moral since fashion is Andandika’s preferred way of communicating
Read MoreMany may not know that jewellery designs have actually earned a place in the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regime, mainly through industrial designs. Jewellery can also be protected through copyrights and trademarks
Read MoreAda lebih dari lima puluh jenis kain tradisional yang berasal dari Indonesia, masing-masing memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Namun, beberapa kain terkesan lebih populer daripada lainnya
Read MoreThere are over fifty traditional textiles originating from Indonesia, each with its own set of intricate alchemies, yet some are more in-vogue than others. Other traditional textiles that are just as beautiful as batik and also possess unique stories worthy to be told
Read MoreTema keberlanjutan telah menjadi sebuah tren di industri fesyen. Jenama dan desainer ternama kini berlomba-lomba untuk menemukan solusi paling inovatif untuk membuat industri fesyen menjadi lebih ramah lingkungan
Read MoreEnvironmental sustainability has become somewhat of a trend in the fashion industry. Brands and designers are now racing to come up with the most innovative solutions to make the fashion industry more environmentally-friendly
Read MoreMulai dari anting-anting “f*** you” hingga kacamata bersudut tajam serta sepatu kets yang dapat menumbuhkan tanaman, maksimalisme adalah kata yang dapat menggambarkan aksesori untuk musim semi 2023 di pekan fesyen pria tahun ini
Read MoreFrom “f*** you” earrings to angular sunglasses to sneakers that can grow plants, maximalism is the way to go when it comes to accessorising during the spring 2023 season at this year’s men’s fashion week
Read MoreBanyak selebritas dan influencer yang tampaknya tak mengidentifikasi diri mereka sebagai queer, meski menggunakan gaya yang secara historis terkait erat dengan identitas kelompok queer. Salah satu contoh ialah Harry Styles
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