Meski tren tersebut telah menghasilkan miliaran untuk pasar lensa kontak di negara-negara tersebut, kontak lensa berwarna belum sepenuhnya menarik bagi pasar Indonesia, menurut perusahaan kecantikan dan kesehatan Eyelovin
Read MoreWhile the craze has brought billions for contact lenses market in those countries, it hasn’t fully captivated the Indonesian market according to beauty and wellness company Eyelovin
Read MoreWella Christie, Direktur Eyelovin, sebuah merek lensa kontak dan e-commerce kecantikan, meyakini bahwa lensa kontak sangat populer di Indonesia karena menawarkan tampilan yang berbeda untuk setiap orang
Read MoreThe eyes are indeed the window to the soul. With so much emphasis on eyes, it is no surprise that the pursuits to achieve the ‘ideal’ eye aesthetics have gotten increasingly popular over the years
Read MoreArea mata memang merupakan fitur wajah yang paling menonjol. Perubahan kecil pada alis, kelopak mata, dan bentuk mata bisa mengubah wajah secara drastis
Read MoreThe eye area is indeed the most prominent feature of the face. A small change in eyebrows, eyelid and eye shape can drastically transform the face.
Read MoreIn addition to business and financial terms, the startup industry also has many new terms.
Read MorePernah merasa bingung dengan istilah-istilah seperti EOD, MoM, dan AUM? Berikut beberapa istilah dasar di dunia startup yang sering digunakan
Read MoreDid you ever wonder what the terms EOD, Mom and AUM mean? Here are some of the basic terms in startup that we thought you should know
Read MorePlagiarisme bukan hal yang asing bagi ilustrator asal Indonesia, Kathrin Honesta. Ia pernah melihat hasil karyanya dijiplak oleh seorang mahasiswa di Inggris
Read MoreIndonesian illustrator Kathrin Honesta is no stranger to plagiarism. She once saw an art student in the UK submitted an embroidery work based on her illustration for a competition
Read MoreKetika diwarnai dengan keuntungan pribadi, seperti ketenaran, daya tarik, dan perhatian, aktivisme dapat disebut sebagai aktivisme performatif
Read MoreActivism is when one takes vigorous action in campaigning for a certain cause. Activism may also take the form of peaceful protests, such as the Jakarta Women’s March that took place in April
Read MoreMeme telah bertransformasi dari suatu format humor santai yang memiliki segmentasi khusus menjadi bagian dari interaksi sosial masyarakat secara luas. Humor yang digunakan dalam meme sifatnya spesifik
Read MoreMemes have now gone from a niche, somewhat underground form of casual humour to an everyday part of social interaction. The humour utilised in memes is of a particular kind
Read MoreBuzzer hadir karena adanya mekanisme pasar: di mana ada permintaan, di situ ada penawaran. Media sosial terbukti menjadi alat penting dalam pemasaran dan pembentukan citra karena di situlah tempat di opini publik dibentuk.
Read MoreIt goes without saying that buzzers only surface when there is an issue to buzz about. While influencer has a more neutral image, buzzer is often associated with negative things, such as hoaxes, manipulations and fake accounts.
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