Setiap tubuh individu, dengan kekhasan latar belakang dan pemikirannya, memiliki pilihan unik dalam musik. Bahkan, selera musik antar-teman saja bisa jauh berbeda. Lantas, bagaimana selera musik seseorang bisa terbangun?
Read MoreEach individual, with their unique backgrounds and thoughts, has unique choices when it comes to music. In fact, the taste in music between friends can be very different. So, how does a person's taste in music develop?
Read MoreTidak jarang kita menemukan desain perhiasan dari merek kelas atas dijual oleh merek-merek lain. Desain huruf C dan D dari Dior, misalnya, telah banyak ditiru pada produk gelang dan diperjualbelikan di pasaran
Read MoreMany may not know that jewellery designs have actually earned a place in the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regime, mainly through industrial designs. Jewellery can also be protected through copyrights and trademarks
Read MoreAda lebih dari lima puluh jenis kain tradisional yang berasal dari Indonesia, masing-masing memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Namun, beberapa kain terkesan lebih populer daripada lainnya
Read MoreThere are over fifty traditional textiles originating from Indonesia, each with its own set of intricate alchemies, yet some are more in-vogue than others. Other traditional textiles that are just as beautiful as batik and also possess unique stories worthy to be told
Read MoreLewat kesempatan berbincang dengan Museum MACAN, bersama-sama kita akan telusuri kerja museum dan perannya bagi publik dalam membangun pemahaman seni dan budaya di Indonesia
Read MoreThrough a conversation with Museum MACAN, together we will explore the work of museums and their role for the public in building an understanding of art and culture in Indonesia
Read MorePernahkah kalian merasa penasaran bagaimana sebuah museum bekerja, sampai-sampai bisa mendatangkan karya seniman-seniman penting dari seluruh dunia? Mari kita telusuri bagaimana sebuah museum bekerja dan seperti apa model bisnisnya
Read MoreHave you ever wondered how a museum works, so that it can bring the works of important artists from all over the world? Apparently, as a non-profit arts and cultural institution, a museum gets its collections and funds from various sources
Read MoreTema keberlanjutan telah menjadi sebuah tren di industri fesyen. Jenama dan desainer ternama kini berlomba-lomba untuk menemukan solusi paling inovatif untuk membuat industri fesyen menjadi lebih ramah lingkungan
Read MoreEnvironmental sustainability has become somewhat of a trend in the fashion industry. Brands and designers are now racing to come up with the most innovative solutions to make the fashion industry more environmentally-friendly
Read MoreInspired perfume seolah menjadi alternatif untuk mendapat parfum produksi merek-merek mewah dengan harga yang lebih murah. Meski belum ada definisi yang pasti untuk inspired perfume, apakah boleh menjualnya?
Read MoreInspired perfume seems to be an alternative to enjoy luxury fragrances at lower prices. Actually, there is no definite definition of inspired perfume. But, is it allowed to sell perfumes that smell like other perfumes?
Read MorePengaruh pet influencer or petfluencers’ tidak main-main. Awal tahun ini, seokor kucing terkenal yang bernama Pororo hilang dan saat ditemukan, hal itu langsung dirayakan dan menjadi trending topic di Indonesia
Read MorePet influencer or petfluencers’ influence is no joke. Earlier this year, a famous Indonesian cat named Pororo went missing and when he was finally found in a healthy condition, Indonesian netizens celebrated on social media
Read MoreStartup winter ini membuat banyak orang kehilangan pekerjaan, terutama para pembuat konten. Menurut daftar talenta milik Ecommurz, lebih dari 200 karyawan yang terkena PHK adalah pembuat konten, seperti penulis, ilustrator, dan animator
Read MoreThe wave of layoffs continues to occur at Indonesian start-up firms since May. This start-up winter has caused many people to lose their job, especially content creators. Why are content creators vulnerable to layoff?
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