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Alleged bullies in KPI sexual harassment case to countersue victim

In a recent update about the alleged sexual harassment and bullying case in the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) that went viral last week, two of the five alleged bullies,  RT and EO, yesterday (7 September) stated that they are considering countersuing the victim, MS, and file a police report for defamation. 

Tegar Putuhena, the attorney who represents RT and EO said that because the press release that is circulating online contains his clients’ personal identities, their families have become the target of cyberbullying. 

“Our clients along with their families and children are now experiencing cyberbullying. I believe that this has crossed the line. Therefore, we are considering countersuing the plaintiff,” Tegar stated. 

Teguh said that since the release reveals his clients’ personal identities, it could be subjected to the Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) Law. 

Anton Febrianto, the attorney who represents other perpetrators, said the statement cannot serve as evidence of the incidents. The defendants claim that they did not do anything harmful to MS, be it bullying or sexual harassment, he added. 

The press release also mentioned slavery allegation, but Anton calls it ‘ceng-cengan’ or casual jokes within KPI employees that is normal and not intentionally offensive. 

Tegar added that the three other alleged perpetrators are also mulling over the same legal action. 

MS on Sunday (5 September) released an open letter thanking his supporters and told them not to attack or cyberbully the alleged perpetrators’ families. 

“I am worried that the perpetrators’ family [members], their wives, children and parents will suffer the same psychological impacts or prolonged trauma that I experienced, especially their children. Indonesia's future is in the hands of the next generation," MS said in the letter.

Based on the results of a psychological evaluation at Kramat Jati Police Hospital in East Jakarta, MS had been traumatised and affected mentally because of the incident.

The result of the evaluation will be used as visum et repertum (VER) or forensic examination as evidence of a criminal act.