Posts in Business
The rise of "ugly" shoes: How fashion is challenging our perception of beauty

Going viral on social media is perhaps one of the reasons behind the existence of these reality-bending shoes. The Internet is a busy place, and a stunt like AVAVAV’s pair of high-heeled boots with four toes and textures that resemble human innards is filled with enough shock value to cut through the noise.

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Rent-a-date service business, a humanising antidote to loneliness

After almost three years of being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesians are getting increasingly creative in surviving. Not only in meeting the financial needs, but also in fighting loneliness when direct interaction is not as easy as it used to be; renting a date is one example.

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Accessorize for nature: The boom of eco-friendly accessories

Consumers are getting more concerned about sustainability, especially after COVID-19. The reason was that the pandemic made respondents more aware that human activities could cause climate change and environmental degradation and, in turn, threaten humans. In addition to the materials, fashion sustainability can also be pursued through more environmentally friendly processes.

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Think pink: the ever-changing face of pink

There is no other colour in the colour wheel that carries a meaning and connotation that is more nuanced than pink. “Pink is used most often to represent femininity but at the same time, pink is associated with romance, passion, or joy and it could even be seen as childish,” Adlien Fadlia, a fashion design lecturer at Institut Kesenian Jakarta, told TFR.

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