The year 2024 could be said to be the year for the Indonesian movie industry to show its capabilities. Many excellent movies were created and rekindled public interest in the industry, including silent movies.
Read MoreDespite being highly awaited, live action adaptations often fail to capture the essence of the original version and, instead, spark controversy.
Read MoreJust like other film workers, stuntmen still have to go through a long, winding road to realise the dream for welfare in the Indonesian film industry.
Read MoreIssues of welfare, work safety and work-life balance are still at the forefront of the Indonesian film industry.
Behind the silver screen, there are tons of issues that film industry workers and the associations that oversee each department have been trying to fix for years. Working hours, wages and worker safety remain the main demands of those who stay at the shooting location 24/7.
The road to making it in the Indonesian film industry is one with many challenges. But why? TFR spoke with people from the industry who are making their marks in it despite the many hurdles and tribulations.
Read MoreThe vast development of the Indonesian movie industry is marred by the lack of skilled film crew, while the existing crew is struggling to make ends meet.
Read MoreGuerilla outdoor cinema or layar tancap has existed in Indonesia since the 20th century. When the cinema industry went through a massive technology transition, many layar tancap providers bought used equipment from cinema chains.
Read MoreFor years, documentary films have served as a tool to relay crises in various sectors to the general public and a wider audience. Many believe that documentary films give the average person access to crucial information about global, social and political issues they might not otherwise be exposed to.
Now, the universe of Indonesian superhero films is a sweet promise that fans demand to be realised. However, the key remains in the hands of the Indonesian audience's trust.
If we talk about the increasing demand for anime, of course we can't forget the people behind them. Yes, the animators.
Read MoreFrom several films that TFR observed, most of the films in the 90s from various genres displayed vulgar titles and pictures which were of course intended to stimulate the audience's lust.
Read MoreActually, if we look at the plot, the movie raises several social issues, including the exploitation of women, which are packed nicely. The several sex scenes, to avoid censorship, were wrapped in scenes loaded with symbolism. From this movie, several directors at that time saw a new formula to compete with imported foreign movies which had started to gain popularity and drew local consumers.
Read MoreSangat menarik menyaksikan dua karakter yang awalnya dikenal sebagai 'penjahat' menjadi begitu populer dan disukai publik. Apa yang terjadi dengan masa-masa mendukung pahlawan dan membenci penjahat?
Read MoreIt is interesting to witness two characters originally known as the ‘baddies’ becoming so popular and generally loved by the public. What happened to the days of rooting for the hero and hating the villain?
Read MoreDilahirkan oleh operator telekomunikasi IM3, Collabonation pada tahun 2020 menyatukan tujuh musisi untuk menciptakan tiga lagu pada Collabonation CAMP
Read MoreHatched by telecommunication operator IM3 Ooredoo, Collabonation Series 3.0 in 2020 brought together seven musicians, namely Iga Massardi, Kunto Aji, Hindia, Petra Sihombing, Asteriska, Rendy Pandugo, dan Sal Priadi
Read MoreAntara Maret dan April 2021, pembuat film, aktris, aktor dan pekerja film di seantero negeri mengunggah animasi pendek berjudul Silenced: Mau Sampai Kapan? di akun Instagram mereka. Film ini mendiskusikan kenyataan suram di balik pembuatan film: pelecehan seksual
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