The concept of sustainability is not only widely used for products of a brand, but also in various events. One of them is the Jia Curated Kiosks (JCK) which built the Jia Pavilion during the "Material Alchemy" event.
Read MoreIn many cities, placemaking is widely implemented in the construction of city parks, revitalisation of an area, or revamping traditional markets. All of those with one goal; to improve the quality of life for the local communities of these spaces.
Read MoreWhile Indonesia has seen an influx of consumer events lately, there have not been many choices for interior design events, particularly outside Jakarta. This is a gap that JCK hopes to fill, by bringing a sense of community to the industry and making the festival welcoming to the general public alike.
Read MoreFanfiction is defined as a work of fiction created by fans, involving characters in a franchise (in a movie/series) or public figures, with varied story backgrounds for fandoms to enjoy. Fanfiction is also part of fan-works.
Read MoreActually, if we look at the plot, the movie raises several social issues, including the exploitation of women, which are packed nicely. The several sex scenes, to avoid censorship, were wrapped in scenes loaded with symbolism. From this movie, several directors at that time saw a new formula to compete with imported foreign movies which had started to gain popularity and drew local consumers.
Read MoreThere is no other colour in the colour wheel that carries a meaning and connotation that is more nuanced than pink. “Pink is used most often to represent femininity but at the same time, pink is associated with romance, passion, or joy and it could even be seen as childish,” Adlien Fadlia, a fashion design lecturer at Institut Kesenian Jakarta, told TFR.
Read MoreAda lebih dari lima puluh jenis kain tradisional yang berasal dari Indonesia, masing-masing memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Namun, beberapa kain terkesan lebih populer daripada lainnya
Read MoreThere are over fifty traditional textiles originating from Indonesia, each with its own set of intricate alchemies, yet some are more in-vogue than others. Other traditional textiles that are just as beautiful as batik and also possess unique stories worthy to be told
Read MoreBanyak selebritas dan influencer yang tampaknya tak mengidentifikasi diri mereka sebagai queer, meski menggunakan gaya yang secara historis terkait erat dengan identitas kelompok queer. Salah satu contoh ialah Harry Styles
Read MoreMultitude of non-queer celebrities and influencers are increasingly appropriating a style that has historically been closely linked to queerness. One obvious example is the quasi-queer fashion icon Harry Styles
Read MoreDalam lingkungan masyarakat di mana hukum-hukum yang represif terus berusaha untuk memudarkan visibilitas mereka, kelompok queer di seluruh dunia telah menggunakan fesyen sebagai perisai untuk melindungi keaslian identitas mereka
Read MoreIn a society where repressive laws continue to make attempt to fade their visibility, the queer community across the globe has historically been using fashion as a sartorial shield to protect the authenticity of their identity
Read MoreSaat itu tahun 1978, dan artisnya adalah Gilbert Baker. Harvey Milk, orang gay pertama yang terpilih untuk menduduki jabatan publik di California, mendatangi Baker pada 1977 dan memintanya untuk membuat simbol kebanggaan bagi komunitas queer
Read MoreThe year was 1978, and the artist was Gilbert Baker. Harvey Milk, the first openly gay person elected to public office in California, came to Baker in 1977 and asked him to create a symbol of pride for the queer community
Read MoreBelakangan ini, nama Indra Kenz sepertinya ada di mana-mana. Pembuat konten berusia 25 tahun telah aktif di YouTube sejak 2019. Baru setelah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka, nama dan kasusnya menarik perhatian nasional
Read MoreLately, the name Indra Kenz seemed to be everywhere. The 25-year-old content creator has been active on YouTube since 2019. It was not until he was named suspect that his name and case garnered nation-wide attention
Read MoreWho doesn’t know memes? Wrapped in jokes, funny and distinctive words, even controversial, memes are a form of reproduction of existing works. Memes have developed into a political medium that can encapsulate criticism
Read MoreWho doesn’t know memes? Wrapped in jokes, funny and distinctive words, even controversial, memes are a form of reproduction of existing works. Memes have developed into a political medium that can encapsulate criticism
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