In Indonesia, the flag is viewed as sacred to the point that the country’s first president amended a whole set of laws to regulate its use. Actress Olivia Jensen received backlash after posting a video throwing the flag to the floor.
Read MoreDengan matinya distribusi album fisik dan makin bertambahnya media yang tersedia untuk beriklan, apakah musik masih membutuhkan sampul album?
Read MoreWith the death of the physical distribution of music and more media available to use for advertising, does music still need album covers?
Read MoreGaya tidak bisa dimiliki seseorang secara eksklusif. Berbagai budaya, perilaku, dan keyakinan akan menumbuhkan identitas visual. Keduanya berperan dalam cara seniman menciptakan dan bagaimana hal itu diwujudkan dalam hasil akhirnya
Read MoreStyle cannot be exclusively owned by anyone. Various cultures, behaviors and beliefs will cultivate visual identity. Both play a role in the way an artist creates and how they are manifested in the end result
Read MoreDalam dua bulan terakhir, illustrator asal Indonesia Ardneks mendapat lebih dari 20 laporan tentang plagiarisme yang dilakukan oleh seorang seniman kripto bernama Twisted Vacancy
Read MoreIn the past couple of months, Indonesian illustrator Ardneks received more than 20 reports from his friends that a crypto artist Twisted Vacancy is plagiarising his work
Read MoreSebelum memublikasikan gambar di platform stok foto gratis, ada baiknya fotografer atau pemilik gambar memberitahu subjek atau model mereka bahwa mereka akan mendistribusikan gambar tersebut
Read MoreBefore publishing images to free stock photo websites, it is best for the photographer or owner of the images to inform the subjects or models where they are going to distribute the pictures
Read MoreTanpa kita sadari, perlindungan terhadap hak kekayaan intelektual hadir di sekitar kita, yang menyentuh berbagai aspek kehidupan. Misalnya, smartphone yang kita gunakan memiliki berbagai perlindungan di dalamnya, dimulai dari segi desain hingga merek, hak cipta, dan hak paten.
Read MoreUnbeknownst to us, protection of intellectual property exists everywhere, touching every aspect of our lives. For example, the smartphone we use carries a various protection, ranging from design to brand, copyright and patent.
Read MorePerancang busana adalah pencipta, inovator, dan seniman. Kadang, ekspresi mereka dianggap aneh atau tidak masuk akal, terutama dalam hal koleksi avant-garde. Koleksi avant-garde adalah koleksi karya bahan dan siluet yang eksperimental, tidak lazim, dan radikal.
Read MoreFashion designers are creators, innovators and artists. Sometimes, fashion designer’s expression is deemed bizarre or absurd, especially on avant-garde collection.
Read MoreApa kesamaan yang dimiliki Mark Zuckerberg, Eddie Redmayne, dan Christopher Nolan? Ketiganya buta warna parsial dan mereka sukses dengan caranya masing-masing.
Read MoreWhat do Mark Zuckerberg, Eddie Redmayne and Christopher Nolan have in common? The three of them are partially colour blind and they are successful in their respective fields.
Read MoreRangkuman dasar jenis, definisi, dan kategori hak kekayaan intelektual di Indonesia . Ada tujuh jenis HKI yang dibagi ke dalam dua kategori, yaitu hak cipta dan hak kekayaan industri.
Read MoreBasic guideline of intellectual property rights in Indonesia. There are seven types of IP rights which are divided into two categories: copyright and industrial property rights.
Read MoreEven here in Indonesia, disability is represented in the critically acclaimed film– the first Indonesian film premiered at Sundance– ‘What They Don’t Talk About When They Talk About Love.’
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