“Kalau buat Moral, akan selalu ada setiap cerita di baliknya” adalah sentimen yang terus-menerus didengungkan oleh direktur kreatif Moral, Andandika Surasetja, dalam wawancara dengan TFR
Read More“There is always a story behind Moral” is a sentiment that was constantly echoed by Moral’s creative director, Andandika Surasetja. Storytelling is at the heart of Moral since fashion is Andandika’s preferred way of communicating
Read MoreKita sekarang memasuki era Industri 4.0, tetapi seberapa sering kita masih melihat tombol '3A' alih-alih tombol '4' di lift? Atau bagaimana rumah di ujung pertigaan (atau 'tusuk sate' dalam bahasa Indonesia) jauh lebih sulit untuk dijual?
Read MoreWe are now well into the age of Industry 4.0, but how often do we still see the ‘3A’ instead of the ‘4’ button in an elevator? Or how t-junction houses (or ‘tusuk sate’ in Indonesian) are so much harder to sell?
Read MorePernahkan kalian menyadari perbedaan rasa dan emosi ketika berada di sudut-sudut yang berbeda, meski berada di kota yang sama? Kematangan perancangan sebuah kota dapat memberikan dampak emosional bagi masyarakat
Read MoreHave you ever noticed the different feelings and emotions you feel when you are in different corners in the same city? The maturity of the design of a city can actually have an emotional impact on the people, determining their mental health level
Read MoreSaat itu tahun 1978, dan artisnya adalah Gilbert Baker. Harvey Milk, orang gay pertama yang terpilih untuk menduduki jabatan publik di California, mendatangi Baker pada 1977 dan memintanya untuk membuat simbol kebanggaan bagi komunitas queer
Read MoreThe year was 1978, and the artist was Gilbert Baker. Harvey Milk, the first openly gay person elected to public office in California, came to Baker in 1977 and asked him to create a symbol of pride for the queer community
Read MoreBerada di era di mana metaverse menjadi topik hangat, sistem edukasi desain pun harus mengikuti zaman. Para pengajar juga harus beradaptasi dengan sistem yang lebih modern agar para siswa bisa beradaptasi dengan lapangan kerja yang terus berkembang
Read MoreIn an era where the metaverse is a hot topic of discussion, the design education system must also keep up with the times. Lecturers have to adapt to a more modern system so that students can adapt to the constantly growing job market
Read MoreBerdasarkan penelitian dalam bidang ilmu saraf (neurosains), dilansir dari tulisan dalam Forest Homes, elemen desain interior mampu membangkitkan respons emosional positif atau negatif pada pengguna ruang
Read MoreA research in the field of neuroscience, reported in an article in Forest Homes, found that interior design elements are able to evoke positive or negative emotional responses in space users. This finding opens the door to designing
Read MoreSekolah, universitas dan berbagai program sertifikasi telah membekali lulusan dengan keterampilan keras yang diperlukan. Namun, pengembangan keterampilan lunak tidak selalu menjadi prioritas, sehingga terjadi ketidaksesuaian antara harapan dan kenyataan di dunia kerja
Read MoreSchool, university and various certification courses have equipped graduates with the necessary hard skills. However, the development of soft skills has not always been prioritised, resulting in the discrepancy between expectation and reality in the workplace
Read MoreOverall, across the globe, problem solving, the ability to work in a team and communication are considered to be the most important skills. There are other skills that are not transferred well from educational institutions to the workplace
Read MoreMenjelang berakhirnya IdeaFest 2021 pada 26 November, pengguna Twitter @unmade_mad mentweet, “Di Cancel tapi Desain diPake. Kalian pernah ngalamin juga?”
Read MoreNearing the end of IdeaFest 2021 on 26 November, Twitter user @unmade_mad tweeted “Di Cancel tapi Desain diPake. Kalian pernah ngalamin juga ?” (Canceled, but your designs are used. Have you experienced something like this?)
Read MoreDi Indonesia, bendera dianggap sakral, sampai-sampai presiden pertama Indonesia mengamandemen seluruh undang-undang untuk mengatur penggunaannya. Aktris Olivia Jensen menuai kritik setelah memposting sebuah video yang memperlihatkan dia melempar bendera ke lantai.
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