There has been a recent upsurge of retailers such as Sonderlab, HGL, ASAU and Masari Shop, that specialise in the curation of local brands and designers, which enables them to thrive and steer the fashion industry towards economic sustainability.
If there was one overarching theme for Jakarta Fashion Week 2024, it would probably be love.
Read MoreThe vast development of the Indonesian movie industry is marred by the lack of skilled film crew, while the existing crew is struggling to make ends meet.
Read MoreAs the global modelling industry now prefers authentic models, Indonesian models are in an advantageous position.
For years, documentary films have served as a tool to relay crises in various sectors to the general public and a wider audience. Many believe that documentary films give the average person access to crucial information about global, social and political issues they might not otherwise be exposed to.
Aside from the understanding of the limitations on artistic freedom, collaboration among relevant authorities is also a key to create regulations that are no longer limiting artists. Transparency is crucial to achieve this.
The brand has become synonymous with peak luxury, yet its origins and history are less known. Thus, TFR aims to look back on what made the brand what it is today, and most especially the insiders’ guide to Hermés.
In the past, an A&R had to find artists in a traditional way by coming to music events or cafes that provide live music. Today, technology has supported and simplified the process.
Read MoreExploring the development and existence of women and other marginalised communities in Indonesia's hardcore/punk scene.
Read MoreNow, the universe of Indonesian superhero films is a sweet promise that fans demand to be realised. However, the key remains in the hands of the Indonesian audience's trust.
Unlike before, now K-pop entertainment also provides opportunities for dancers who want to try their hand at covering their artists’ songs by holding dance cover competitions.
When we talk about K-pop fans, the verb that we often use is fangirling, which is used to describe women who are admiring their idols. Interestingly, we now see more and more men becoming K-popers or fanboys and don't hesitate to show themselves.
Punk emerged in the United States and England circa 1976-1977, with songs that carry the spirit of anti-establishment; an attitude that rejects all forms of order or structure that are deemed hindering individual freedom and causing social injustice.
Getting a job without an educational background or work experience in a relevant field is very difficult. This is why many people are registering for various intensive training programmes, which are often called bootcamps.
As the primary audience of the fashion industry, every inch of a woman’s life is dictated by fashion. Yet, once the veil is lifted, fashion remains an industry dominated by men. Here, women creatives from different eras share their experience and challenges in the Indonesian fashion industry with TFR News.
The competitive scene in the gaming world, such as esports, is gaining traction. It does not only exist for male gamers, but has also started to include female gamers with no less quality, enabling them to compete in tournaments.
Read MoreTFR has been conducting a field research with the Open Arms project initiated by the Selasar Sunaryo Foundation to understand the actual conditions of accessibility in the world of art, as well as the community's ongoing initiatives to empower persons with disabilities.
Read MoreIn the past decade, hustle culture has become increasingly widespread. However, this time, the same issue is discussed in a different tone; more and more people decided to end their hustle era.
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