KPI refuses to give financial support for MS’ treatment

The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) failed to financially support the therapy needed by MS, a KPI employee and the victim of bullying and sexual harassment in the organisation. As a result, MS is struggling to access the medical help he needs to recover from the traumatic experience.

According to Tirto, MS’ legal representative Muhammad Mualimin said KPI Commissioner Nuning Rodiyah told them that the KPI is ready to provide assistance and financial support for the victim’s recovery. The victim only needs to submit an official request to the organisation, which MS and his team did.

“His mental state is getting worse, so we need a psychiatrist to prescribe him the medicines he needs. However, the KPI insisted that they have a psychologist from the Communications and Informatics Ministry,” Muhammad said.

According to Muhammad, MS often gets lost in his own mind, wandering back to his traumatic experience. He also showed several symptoms, such as sudden angry outbursts, insomnia and anxiety.

The KPI failed to quickly respond to the severity of MS’ state that he had to make a move independently. He decided to visit a psychiatrist in RS Polri Kramat Jati and was prescribed three kinds of medicines.

“If he keeps on using his personal money, it would be hard on him. Each visit costs Rp500,000 including the medicines. The plan is for him to get treatment weekly,” Muhammad explained.

KPI Deputy Chairman Mulyo Hadi Purnomo said that in terms of handling employees’ health problems, “The KPI follows the regulations set by the Communications and Informatics Ministry, namely to use the allocated facilities."

He further explained that if the doctor or psychiatrist who is handling the case thinks that the patient requires further treatment, they could write a referral letter. This will allow the expense to be taken care of in accordance with the standard procedures of governmental organisations.

He emphasised that no matter how expensive the treatment will be, so long as it is issued in accordance with the procedures, the KPI will handle it.

MS’ legal team on 13 October stated that a KPI official threatened to terminate their client if he did not withdraw the report he made to the police. Muhammad quoted the official, who said that if “(MS) wants to continue working in the KPI, (he) must be willing to reach settlement with the perpetrators and not process this legally”.