The idea of ​​“Raskin Dining Experience” draws criticism

Bogaria Bali together with the FDA Foundation Bali and Laparmata Food brought the concept of “Raskin Dining Experience” which was originally planned to be held in Joshua District, Tabanan, Bali, on May 24.

Not yet had time to take place, this concept has been criticized by netizens on social media Twitter and Instagram because it is considered insensitive to the dark history of the Indonesian people who are forced to consume RasKin or poor rice to survive. In uploading the story, Bogaria Bali explained, "Re-interpreting what is called "food for the poor", we chose this theme so that everyone can experience an alternative to Indonesian staple food from a historical and cultural perspective." The food in question is cassava, corn rice, black sticky rice, and other foods that are sold for Rp300,000 complete with 2 cocktails.

Furthermore, it was explained that the theme was taken to “explore Indonesian culture through flavors and ingredients originating from all over Indonesia and with its history. From shoots to roots, this dish is a masterpiece of Indonesian life hacks during difficult times.”

Bogaria finally apologized. In their apology posted on May 20 on their Instagram account, Bogaria said, "On behalf of Joshua District, we would like to apologize for our cooperation which should have been held on May 24 regarding 'Raskin'. We didn't know people would be offended because we didn't mean anything bad, this theme is meant to be cultural food education."