12 April 2022 is the day the Sexual Violence Crime Bill is passed into law by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia. The ratification of the law is the first step. We need to continue monitoring its implementation
Read MoreBelakangan ini, nama Indra Kenz sepertinya ada di mana-mana. Pembuat konten berusia 25 tahun telah aktif di YouTube sejak 2019. Baru setelah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka, nama dan kasusnya menarik perhatian nasional
Read MoreLately, the name Indra Kenz seemed to be everywhere. The 25-year-old content creator has been active on YouTube since 2019. It was not until he was named suspect that his name and case garnered nation-wide attention
Read MoreSelama tahun 1990-an, peramalan mode mengguncang bisnis pakaian jadi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pergeseran budaya yang sangat besar ketika perempuan diizinkan memasuki dunia kerja. Tren juga memberikan jalan bagi pabrik dan pengecer untuk mengkapitalisasi
Read MoreDuring the 1990s, fashion forecasting rocked the apparel business. This was due to the immense cultural shifts as women were allowed to enter the workforce. They also give way to manufacturers and retailers to capitalise
Read MoreWho doesn’t know memes? Wrapped in jokes, funny and distinctive words, even controversial, memes are a form of reproduction of existing works. Memes have developed into a political medium that can encapsulate criticism
Read MoreWho doesn’t know memes? Wrapped in jokes, funny and distinctive words, even controversial, memes are a form of reproduction of existing works. Memes have developed into a political medium that can encapsulate criticism
Read MoreIa datang, tanpa bisa dihindari, dan mengabaikannya bukanlah pilihan. Kita berbicara tentang revolusi industri keempat, yang juga dikenal sebagai Industri 4.0. Revolusi industri ini ditandai dengan perubahan pesat
Read MoreIt is coming, it is inevitable, and ignoring it is not a choice. We are talking about the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0. As history unfolded, we saw how the first industrial revolution introduced us to the steam engine
Read MoreBila membicarakan tentang sejarah seni rupa modern Indonesia, kita tidak akan pernah bisa melepaskannya dari gejolak sosial dan politik yang berjalan bersamaan dengannya. Sejarah seni rupa modern di Indonesia mungkin terbilang lebih rumit dibanding sejarah seni Barat
Read MoreWhen we talk about the history of Indonesian modern art, we will never be able to separate it from the social and political turmoil that went along with it. The history of modern art in Indonesia may be somewhat more complicated
Read MoreSekolah, universitas dan berbagai program sertifikasi telah membekali lulusan dengan keterampilan keras yang diperlukan. Namun, pengembangan keterampilan lunak tidak selalu menjadi prioritas, sehingga terjadi ketidaksesuaian antara harapan dan kenyataan di dunia kerja
Read MoreSchool, university and various certification courses have equipped graduates with the necessary hard skills. However, the development of soft skills has not always been prioritised, resulting in the discrepancy between expectation and reality in the workplace
Read MoreApa yang dikenakan manusia di peradaban awal akan sangat berbeda dengan apa yang kita kenakan sekarang. Meski begitu, sebagai identitas sebuah negara, pakaian tradisional akan tetap memiliki ciri khas sebuah kebudayaan
Read MoreWhat humankind wore in early civilisations would be very different from what we wear today. However, as an identity of a nation, a traditional attire will still have a cultural characteristic as part of cultural preservation
Read MoreJenama Indonesia yang mengklaim menjadi bagian dari PFW menuai kritik setelah ditegur oleh figur publik dan perancang busana. Apakah pihak yang tidak terafiliasi dengan Paris Fashion Week boleh menggunakan istilah Paris Fashion Week?
Read MoreSome Indonesian brands claimed to be part of Paris Fashion Week clarified they staged shows during PFW. But the question is, can a party who is not affiliated with Paris Fashion Week use the term Paris Fashion Week?
Read MoreMetaverse dinilai mampu mendatangkan keuntungan besar-besaran bagi para perusahaan yang berpartisipasi di dalamnya, namun hal ini tampaknya tidak sepenuhnya berlaku untuk Hermès, produsen barang mewah asal Perancis
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