The metaverse is considered capable of bringing massive profits to brands, but French luxury goods brand Hermès has a contradictory experience. This is a new problem in the world of the metaverse
Read MoreUntuk eksis di dunia digital, seseorang harus menumbuhkan citra atau persona baru. Kebutuhan fisik dasar dan syarat-syarat fisik menjadi usang dalam realitas virtual. Konstruksi identitas baru tidak dibatasi oleh batas-batas fisik
Read MoreTo exist in the digital world, one has to cultivate a new image or a persona. The basic physical needs and physical requirements become obsolete in virtual reality. The construction of the new identity is not constrained by physical boundaries
Read MoreBerapa banyak perempuan perupa Indonesia yang kita kenal? Bagaimana peran perempuan perupa dalam seni rupa Indonesia? Dari masa ke masa, sejumlah perempuan perupa telah mencetak berbagai pencapaian
Read MoreHow many Indonesian women artists do we know? What is the role of women artists in the Indonesian art scene? Curator Grace Samboh said that the problems of women artists in the history of art can be understood by taking out the word “artists”
Read MorePada 2018, Colourpop berkolaborasi dengan influencer kecantikan Kathleen Lights untuk membuat palet eyeshadow bertema zodiak. Dior pada 2019 meluncurkan koleksi perhiasan bertema zodiak beserta koleksi aksesoris
Read MoreIn 2018, Colourpop collaborated with beauty influencer Kathleen Lights to produce a zodiac-themed eyeshadow palette. Dior in 2019 launched a zodiac jewelry collection along with accessories collection consisting of scarves, shoes and more
Read MoreSurvei yang dilakukan TFR kepada 169 penggemar K-pop menemukan bahwa mereka pernah membeli album, tiket konser, merchandise resmi dan tidak resmi, akses ke acara online dan konten premium, serta produk yang digunakan idola K-pop
Read MoreA survey that TFR conducted to 169 K-pop fans revealed that they have bought albums, concert tickets, official and unofficial merchandise, access to online events and premium contents, as well as products that K-pop idols use
Read MoreBelakangan ini, kita banyak melihat selebriti papan atas Indonesia, seperti Ivan Gunawan dan Roy Kiyoshi, yang mengoleksi boneka arwah. Padahal, boneka arwah sudah ada cukup lama, misalnya Luk Thep yang sudah ada sejak abad ke-19
Read MoreMany top Indonesian celebrities, such as Ivan Gunawan and Roy Kiyoshi, are starting to collect spirit dolls. In fact, spirit dolls have been around for a long time; think Luk Thep which has existed since the 19th century
Read More“TBL TBL TBL, Takut Banget Loh” adalah frasa pendek yang populer akhir-akhir ini. Frasa ini sedang ramai dibahas, bukan karena kelucuannya, tapi terkait izin penggunaannya. Pemilik frasa pendek tersebut menyampaikan kekecewaannya
Read More“TBL TBL TBL, Takut Banget Loh” is a short phrase that has been gaining popularity. The catchphrase is becoming a hot topic not because of its cuteness, but because of its copyright
Read MoreMeskipun lulusan baru mungkin memiliki pengetahuan yang diharapkan tentang pekerjaan pilihan mereka, ada keterampilan lain yang tidak ditransfer dengan baik dari lembaga pendidikan ke tempat kerja
Read MoreOverall, across the globe, problem solving, the ability to work in a team and communication are considered to be the most important skills. There are other skills that are not transferred well from educational institutions to the workplace
Read MoreMeleburnya batas waktu dan wilayah dalam dunia digital membuat industri NFT berjalan tanpa henti. Terus terjaga dari tengah malam hingga dini hari menjadi hal yang biasa bagi para pelaku NFT
Read MoreThe disappearance of physical and geographical boundaries and time restrictions in the digital world makes the NFT industry run relentlessly. The need to stay updated, encourage people in the industry to constantly stay online
Read MoreDewan Kesenian Jakarta pada Jumat (17 Desember) mengutarakan keresahannya terhadap kinerja Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Iwan Henry Wardhana
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