A sandwich outlet even uses portraits and the name of South Korean actor Gong Yoo in its menu. This type of action is usually done by fans for entertainment purposes. However, it is different if the action is carried out by a brand
Read MorePada tahun 2014, Louis Vuitton merilis karung tinju seharga $175.000 yang dirancang oleh mendiang Karl Lagerfeld, sementara Chanel pada 2019 merilis papan selancar seharga $7.700
Read MoreBack in 2014, Louis Vuitton released a $175,000 punching bag designed by the late Karl Lagerfeld, while Chanel in 2019 released $7,700 surfboards
Read MoreDi Indonesia, bendera dianggap sakral, sampai-sampai presiden pertama Indonesia mengamandemen seluruh undang-undang untuk mengatur penggunaannya. Aktris Olivia Jensen menuai kritik setelah memposting sebuah video yang memperlihatkan dia melempar bendera ke lantai.
Read MoreIn Indonesia, the flag is viewed as sacred to the point that the country’s first president amended a whole set of laws to regulate its use. Actress Olivia Jensen received backlash after posting a video throwing the flag to the floor.
Read MoreDi dunia di mana kerja keras telah menjadi aspirasi, kita pasti merasa terdorong untuk menunjukkan, pada setiap kesempatan yang ada, betapa keras kita bekerja.
Read MorePerformative behavior is an action taken specifically with an audience in mind, to elicit a response or reaction, while workaholism is the compulsion or the uncontrollable need to work incessantly
Read MoreSebuah karya seni tidak begitu saja bermanifestasi dan dianggap sebagai seni murni tepat setelah sang seniman menciptakannya. Butuh usaha dan waktu agar karya tersebut cukup bernilai untuk diperdagangkan
Read MoreAn artwork does not simply manifest and be considered a form of fine art right after the artist created it. For it to be valuable enough to be traded, effort and time are needed
Read MoreDengan matinya distribusi album fisik dan makin bertambahnya media yang tersedia untuk beriklan, apakah musik masih membutuhkan sampul album?
Read MoreWith the death of the physical distribution of music and more media available to use for advertising, does music still need album covers?
Read MoreDi era digital ini, peran profesional PR dan pemasaran telah berkembang, yang kemudian memunculkan istilah PR digital dan pemasaran digital. Peran mereka juga menjadi lebih terjalin
Read MoreIn this digital age, the roles of PR and marketing professionals have evolved, giving rise to the terms digital PR and digital marketing. Their roles have also become more intertwined that it is sometimes easy to mix them up
Read MoreIde konten dan perdagangan pertama kali dilahirkan oleh Natalie Massenet dua dekade lalu ketika dia memulai situs Net-a-Porter, yang dikenal sebagai pioneer e-commerce editorial
Read MoreThe idea of content and commerce was first hatched by Natalie Massenet two decades ago when she started luxury e-commerce site Net-a-Porter, which is known as the pioneer of editorial e-commerce
Read More“Awalnya pertanyaan ‘berapa harga outfit lo?’ itu, saya nonton dan nge-fans sama salah satu channel YouTube, tapi dia kebanyakan (mengulas) brand-brand luar, jadi saya mau coba buat ah, karena belum ada yang membuat ‘berapa harga outfit lokal’ nih
Read More“It started from the question 'how much is your outfit?' I watched and liked on YouTube. But they mostly (review) foreign brands, so I wanted to try to make one because no one is yet to make 'how much is your local outfit.'
Read MoreMeski platform e-commerce digital mulai berkembang di seluruh dunia, skala dan tingkat pertumbuhan e-commerce di Asia sangat menonjol dibandingkan wilayah lain
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