The year was 1978, and the artist was Gilbert Baker. Harvey Milk, the first openly gay person elected to public office in California, came to Baker in 1977 and asked him to create a symbol of pride for the queer community
Read MorePesatnya perkembangan teknologi digital tampaknya seperti pedang bermata dua. Satu sisi bisa menumbuhkembangkan banyak media baru, sementara sisi lainnya bisa membunuh eksistensi media yang sudah ada
Read MoreThe rapid development of digital technology seems like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can grow and give birth to new media outlets, while on the other hand, it can kill the existing media outlets
Read MoreSelama abad ke-20, pertumbuhan media massa didorong oleh teknologi, termasuk yang memungkinkan duplikasi bahan. Teknologi ini memberikan akses khalayak luas ke konten media dengan harga murah
Read MoreIt was the 1920s when the phrase mass media began to be thrown around. During the twentieth century, the growth of mass media was driven by technology, including those that allowed duplications of materials, such as printing
Read MorePerancang busana Hian Tjen adalah salah satu perancang busana paling produktif di Indonesia. Untuk mewujudkan mimpinya, ia mendaftar di ESMOD Jakarta untuk belajar desain mode. Setelah bertualang dan berkecimpung
Read MoreFashion designer Hian Tjen is notably one of the most prolific couture designers in Indonesia. His humble journey began when he was young. To realise his dreams, he enrolled at ESMOD Jakarta to study fashion design
Read MoreBerada di era di mana metaverse menjadi topik hangat, sistem edukasi desain pun harus mengikuti zaman. Para pengajar juga harus beradaptasi dengan sistem yang lebih modern agar para siswa bisa beradaptasi dengan lapangan kerja yang terus berkembang
Read MoreIn an era where the metaverse is a hot topic of discussion, the design education system must also keep up with the times. Lecturers have to adapt to a more modern system so that students can adapt to the constantly growing job market
Read MoreBerdasarkan penelitian dalam bidang ilmu saraf (neurosains), dilansir dari tulisan dalam Forest Homes, elemen desain interior mampu membangkitkan respons emosional positif atau negatif pada pengguna ruang
Read MoreA research in the field of neuroscience, reported in an article in Forest Homes, found that interior design elements are able to evoke positive or negative emotional responses in space users. This finding opens the door to designing
Read MoreAkademi seni yang terus berkembang setelah berdirinya pada rentang 1940-an-1950-an menghasilkan tiga pusat seni rupa modern Indonesia. Pertentangan ini justru melahirkan letupan-letupan gaya, mulai dari berdirinya institusi
Read MoreArt academies, which continued to develop after their establishment in the 1940s-1950s, produced three Indonesian modern art centres. This opposition actually gave birth to various styles, starting from the establishment of the institutions
Read MoreUU TPKS bisa mengadili para pelaku, tetapi belum tentu menjamin adanya ruang aman untuk korban kekerasan seksual. Sering kali korban justru tidak mendapatkan ruang aman, seperti sering dicemooh, dipojokkan, ataupun dirundung
Read MoreThe TPKS Law can prosecute perpetrators, but does not necessarily guarantee a safe space for victims of sexual violence. Oftentimes, the victims do not get a safe space. They are instead being ridiculed, cornered, or bullied
Read MoreSepanjang 2021, berdasarkan data Catatan Tahunan Komnas Perempuan, ada 108 kasus kekerasan di dunia kerja. Kekerasan yang terjadi mencakup pelanggaran hak-hak dasar, seperti hak perlindungan kerja yang layak
Read MoreThroughout 2021, according to the Annual Records (Catahu) of Komnas Perempuan, there were 108 cases of violence in the workplace. The cases consisted of violations of basic rights, such as the right to decent work and the right to be
Read More12 April 2022 menjadi hari disahkannya Rancangan Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual (RUU TPKS) menjadi undang-undang (UU TPKS) oleh DPR RI. Pengesahan UU TPKS merupakan langkah awal
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